The Fin Foundation working in partnership with Biosphere II and the Uof A…

biosphere rockGREAT NEWS as the Fin Foundation works to continue spreading marine science and ocean conservation across the Southwest! We have been meeting with the people from Biosphere II and the Uof A to set up a partnership in education where we will be adding more marine science content to the Biosphere II’s educational program. By adding the use of our artifacts and volunteer personnel, we hope to increase the overall ocean experience for visitors to the ocean area of the Biosphere II. And in conjunction with the U of A’s summer teacher’s programs, the Fin Foundation will be working to increase local educator’s knowledge about the ocean’s importance in the desert and what we can do to impliment ocean education in our schools!

     In addition to all of that, we will also be placing divers with communication systems into the Ocean at Biosphere II so visitors can ask questions while we are working with Biosphere II scientists in the Ocean Area! This should add a new level for the visitors to the Biosphere II and help to make connections to our oceans!

      We are looking forward our new partnership starting the last part of December ’09! It will be a great way to leap into the New Year!

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